Tuesday, March 17, 2009


In this part of the world families involved with the education system are familiar with the yearly March Break. Many, taking advantage of a week without school, spend time relaxing or vacationing with family. Some celebrate winter on the slopes while others seek sunnier climates to escape the winter's chill.

As my family packed for our week long get-away, complete with warm weather clothing, IPods, laptops, cellphones and other 'necessities', I paused to reflect on the amazing journey that Jesus's disciples took many years ago.

At Jesus's call the disciples left their work, their families and their lives to follow Jesus and spread the Good News.

How difficult would it be for me, my family or many of my friends to abandon everything that we know and follow our beliefs? Can we leave behind the comforts of home and the trappings of 'civilization' not knowing where our next meal would come from or where we would spend our nights? What challenges would we face legally and financially in pursuing this call from God?

I do not doubt that the disciples faced challenges from family and friends as they left to follow Christ. I am sure that on occassion they may have wondered about where food or lodgings would be found. And yet, the Lord provided for them.

Most of us are not asked to abandon life as we know it, we are asked only to follow and to proclaim from our present positions. Yet how many of us are prepared to accept that challenge?

Our journey on this earth is brief, are we ready to listen to His call and follow where He leads?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Human recall notice

The Maker of all human beings (GOD) is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart.

This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically termed 'Sub-sequential Internal Non-Morality,' or more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed.

Some of the symptoms include:
1. Loss of direction
2. Foul vocal emissions
3. Amnesia of origin
4. Lack of peace and joy
5. Selfish or violent behavior
6. Depression or confusion in the mental component
7. Fearfulness
8. Idolatry
9. Rebellion

The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory-authorized repair service free of charge to correct this defect.

The Repair Technician, JESUS, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee required.

The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R. Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure. Next, download ATONEMENT from the Repair Technician, JESUS, into the heart component.

No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, JESUS will replace it with:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self control

Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E. (Believers' Instructions Before Leaving Earth) for further details on the use of these fixes.

Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction voids any manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to list and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call on JESUS.

The human being units not responding to this recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to enter Heaven so as to prevent contamination of that facility.

Thank you for your attention!

P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important recall notice, and you may contact the Father any time by 'Knee mail'.
Because He Lives!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Time in Eternity

"I'm turning six soon" said my young friend.

"How wonderful," I answered, "When is your birthday?"

"April 6th", she responded, "It's during March Break!"

While some may question my young friend's awareness of the working of our calendar. I paused to reflect on how right she was.

Time is a human thing. We invented the calendar and the clock in an effort to establish order in our world. We have become slaves to this thinking.

We panic that we will be late for an appointment. We wait patiently for days to pass until our next vacation, birthday or rendezvous. Distances traveled are often marked by minutes or hours. Some of us carefully plan each moment of our day.

Yet, in the end, what is time but an invention of man?

I imagine that time in Heaven is limitless and undefined. An hour, a minute or a year each pass in the same way...unmarked.

Because eternity is infinite, there is no need mark it. Conversely, marking time in Heaven is futile, because human time does not exist. Hence, like my young friend's impression of her April birthday occurring during March Break, anything is possible.

When a loved one passes from this world to the next, those in mourning long for the day when they will be reunited. For those left behind, each day may feel like eternity. For our loved ones, in a timeless Heaven, that same time may feel like only a moment or two.

We are so loved by our Creator, that we have been promised eternal life. Knowing that we will be reunited with those who have moved on and imagining that, for those loved ones, time is unmarked; we must continue to live each day and praise God for His tremendous gift and loving promise of life in eternity with Him.

Such amazing wisdom from a little friend about to turn six!

Friday, March 6, 2009

I swear

A local radio station ran an item yesterday in which the hypothesis was that swearing as part of the English language has evolved in order to allow adults to diffuse some of the tensions that build up as part of our fast-paced lives.

One of the arguments advanced was that traditional authority figures such as the Church which says that swearing is taboo actually open the curiosity of adherants to exploring such taboos. The satire about this statement is that in recent years, the Church and other such authority figures are themselves being increasingly perceived as taboo, so if this hypothesis holds, does that mean that there will soon be an influx of curious onlookers who come beating down the doors in search of .... something?

Monday, March 2, 2009

57,600 Minutes

' In 525,600 minutes - how do you
measure a year in the life?'

From Seasons of Love in the show Rent, these words beckon us to consider the value we place on a year of life. Each year, each of us is given the same 525, 600 minutes to make a difference. Can you measure the difference that you make?

For Catholics, this is the season of Lent. A time of fast, abstinence, and alms giving. For some, it is a time to give up something precious for 40 days. For others, it is an opportunity to go out of our way to "do good".

Lent is a season of 57,600 minutes. What can you do to make a difference in those 57, 600 moments?

Can you spend a few more of those moments in the presence of the One who created you?
How about giving some minutes in service to your faith community?
Do you have an hour or two to spend with a lonely relative or neighbour?
Are there moments available to help the poor?
Do you have time to share your talents with others?

Challenge yourself to make a difference with your 57, 600 minutes this Lent.