Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Gift

Every once in a while we are privileged to be part of an extraordinary moment. Take a few minutes to watch the following video on You tube of Susan Boyle; be sure to continue watch it until its conclusion.

As you may have noted in the media and in this video, people in the audience and perhaps some reading this, doubted that this 47 year old single, unemployed woman had any talent when she walked onto that stage.

Susan Boyle's vocal gift took many by surprise that evening.

How often do we judge a person before we get to know their gifts? How many people in our lives have talents and aspirations for those talents that have gone unnoticed or untended?

While it is rare to have a hidden talent such as Susan's, many of us fail to fully use the gifts given to us by our Creator. We often do not express these abilities because we believe that someone, somewhere can do this better, or that we are not good enough, or we believe that we are too shy. We are not given gifts to keep hidden, but to use them and to develop them fully.

Consider all of the marvelous talents that you and those around you possess. How can you take these gifts and use them to help in your community or with your family, to glorify the God who gave these to you? Perhaps there is a hidden Susan Boyle in you waiting for the chance to be set free.

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