Sunday, April 12, 2009


Earlier this week, while taking part in a Good Friday service, one of my young friends commented to me with great delight that we were wearing the same shoes.

As people journeying together we often look for similarities. The more we are "like" someone else, the greater the possibility we will seek friendship with that person. We often seek friendship with others of the same age group or gender; we enjoy time with people do activities that we also enjoy; we strike up conversation with another who is carrying the book of the same title as the one we are reading. As humans we are drawn to others who are similar to us.

So what was it in Jesus's plight as He dragged his cross up the road to Golgatha that drew Veronica's attention? What did she see in Jesus, covered in sweat, bleeding from wounds brought on by his handlers, that made her rush from the crowds? Why did she push beyond the guards to wipe Jesus's face? What similaries did Veronica share with that prisoner being lead to his death?

Do you have a Veronica in your life? Which of your friends would be there for you when no one else seems to care? Who would stand up for you? Who would stand with you through tough times?

If you have such a person in your life, give her a call to say thank you. Cherish the wisdom of this friend. Use this example of unfailing friendship as a model for your relationships.

Next time you see someone experiencing a tough time, consider Veronica, and offer your support. The help you offer today may become a brave model for others in the future.

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