Tuesday, March 17, 2009


In this part of the world families involved with the education system are familiar with the yearly March Break. Many, taking advantage of a week without school, spend time relaxing or vacationing with family. Some celebrate winter on the slopes while others seek sunnier climates to escape the winter's chill.

As my family packed for our week long get-away, complete with warm weather clothing, IPods, laptops, cellphones and other 'necessities', I paused to reflect on the amazing journey that Jesus's disciples took many years ago.

At Jesus's call the disciples left their work, their families and their lives to follow Jesus and spread the Good News.

How difficult would it be for me, my family or many of my friends to abandon everything that we know and follow our beliefs? Can we leave behind the comforts of home and the trappings of 'civilization' not knowing where our next meal would come from or where we would spend our nights? What challenges would we face legally and financially in pursuing this call from God?

I do not doubt that the disciples faced challenges from family and friends as they left to follow Christ. I am sure that on occassion they may have wondered about where food or lodgings would be found. And yet, the Lord provided for them.

Most of us are not asked to abandon life as we know it, we are asked only to follow and to proclaim from our present positions. Yet how many of us are prepared to accept that challenge?

Our journey on this earth is brief, are we ready to listen to His call and follow where He leads?

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