Saturday, March 7, 2009

Time in Eternity

"I'm turning six soon" said my young friend.

"How wonderful," I answered, "When is your birthday?"

"April 6th", she responded, "It's during March Break!"

While some may question my young friend's awareness of the working of our calendar. I paused to reflect on how right she was.

Time is a human thing. We invented the calendar and the clock in an effort to establish order in our world. We have become slaves to this thinking.

We panic that we will be late for an appointment. We wait patiently for days to pass until our next vacation, birthday or rendezvous. Distances traveled are often marked by minutes or hours. Some of us carefully plan each moment of our day.

Yet, in the end, what is time but an invention of man?

I imagine that time in Heaven is limitless and undefined. An hour, a minute or a year each pass in the same way...unmarked.

Because eternity is infinite, there is no need mark it. Conversely, marking time in Heaven is futile, because human time does not exist. Hence, like my young friend's impression of her April birthday occurring during March Break, anything is possible.

When a loved one passes from this world to the next, those in mourning long for the day when they will be reunited. For those left behind, each day may feel like eternity. For our loved ones, in a timeless Heaven, that same time may feel like only a moment or two.

We are so loved by our Creator, that we have been promised eternal life. Knowing that we will be reunited with those who have moved on and imagining that, for those loved ones, time is unmarked; we must continue to live each day and praise God for His tremendous gift and loving promise of life in eternity with Him.

Such amazing wisdom from a little friend about to turn six!

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