Monday, March 2, 2009

57,600 Minutes

' In 525,600 minutes - how do you
measure a year in the life?'

From Seasons of Love in the show Rent, these words beckon us to consider the value we place on a year of life. Each year, each of us is given the same 525, 600 minutes to make a difference. Can you measure the difference that you make?

For Catholics, this is the season of Lent. A time of fast, abstinence, and alms giving. For some, it is a time to give up something precious for 40 days. For others, it is an opportunity to go out of our way to "do good".

Lent is a season of 57,600 minutes. What can you do to make a difference in those 57, 600 moments?

Can you spend a few more of those moments in the presence of the One who created you?
How about giving some minutes in service to your faith community?
Do you have an hour or two to spend with a lonely relative or neighbour?
Are there moments available to help the poor?
Do you have time to share your talents with others?

Challenge yourself to make a difference with your 57, 600 minutes this Lent.

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