Sunday, May 10, 2009


Fittingly, today, we spoke about Jesus as the vine and we are all branches. Separated from Jesus, like a sprout ripped from a tree, we could not survive.

We are also branches from our mothers. The woman's body is so uniquely designed to conceived and nurture a tiny fetus. Even before pregnancy is obvious to the rest of the world, a mother takes that growing child into her heart and holds it there for a live time. Once born, it is the mother's body that offers sustenance for the baby's first months. As the child gains mobility and independence a mother continues to offer a place of refuge, of safety and of unconditional love. Through trials and heartaches, sadness and joy, times of turmoil and times of peace, a mother remains steadfast in her commitment to her child.

Take a few minutes to reflect on the gifts given to you by your mother and mother-like women in your life. Consider the sacrifices these women made for you. Reflect on the blessing that these women have been for you.

With this, I offer thanks to my mother and to all mothers, for the gifts and the sacrifices made for me. Won't you join me in a prayer of gratitude?

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