Friday, June 12, 2009


My oldest daughter attended her High School Graduation and Dance today. I was graced with the privilege of tending to her needs as she prepared for this special evening.

Together we had sought the perfect dress. I felt fortunate to have the skill and to be asked to alter this dress so that it fit her precisely. My daughter's hair was done by the same lady who cut her hair for the first time so many years ago. After make-up was applied and finishes touches where added to the dress, she donned her corsage and was ready to go; a radiant beauty.

I was asked to follow her to the pre-graduation party to take photos with her friends, some of whom have been together since the first day of Junior Kindergarten. Each of these young people have played a role in her life to this point. In the fall they will scatter across this country to pursue their educational goals. I imagine that they will remain good friends and that distances will not keep them apart.

For this mother, this was a day to reflect on that special little girl whose appearance in this world was as unique as she is. Together we revisited many of the places and people who have influenced the person that she has become. On this day, we celebrated the closing door of high school education while looking forward with eager anticipation to a bright future.

As the events of this day came to pass, I was reminded that with every change in life a door will close. In these doors, however, are also windows to opportunities yet to be discovered. Only our Creator knows all of the surprises, twists and turns to come, but it is our trust that what is happening, is meant to happen and that life is unfolding, just as He planned.

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