Sunday, June 21, 2009

Looking Back

Friends from the past made unexpected and yet very welcomed appearances this weekend.

These visits brought me back almost 25 years. During these fast paced days the occasions to reminisce are few and far between. It is only when we take time to recall the person we once were, that we can really appreciate the person we are now.

In taking time to recall successes and failures, triumphs and tragedies, the presence of God in our lives takes shape. By looking back we can see how He put the right people in our path at exactly the right time. Some of these people journey with us for only a short time, but their words or deeds may have had a life changing effect. Other friends may have been with us through all occasions as a shining example of how our God would never leave us.

Through retrospection, we see how events in our lives, happening when they did and how they did, have influenced what we do and how we do things today.

Although it may be years before I fully understand why these people have made a reappearance on my journey, I am grateful for these opportunities. My experiences this weekend have served to reinforce for me the presence and love of a Divine force that I trust will continue to act as guide for all that I do.

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