Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Isn't it amazing how some of us can get so wrapped up in our day to day routines that we actually don't realize the pressure we put on ourselves?

It's often only when we change the scenery around us, or are afforded an opportunity to withdraw from the normal routine of life that we truly come to appreciate the need for rest and relaxation. Depending on how wound up we are, it might take a few days or weeks to actually leave the stresses of life behind and to actually begin to live again.

Understanding the need for relaxation as a regular part of our lives is key to survival, especially if we're in high-stress situations or if there is much demanded of us. From the vantage point of a place removed from the norm, it can be easier to relax and we can even set goals for ourselves from this outside vantage point. Goals of this kind can include a resolve to regularly take time for some kind of exercise, or perhaps an aim to balance demands put on ourselves with the amount of time we take for leisure.

Whatever manner of rest and relaxation we choose, it's important to pay attention to the inner rythms of life, the stresses and the quiet moments. Balance is always the key.

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