Saturday, December 6, 2008


Over two thousand years ago, a young woman left her home to travel to that of her friend and cousin, Elizabeth. Although Elizabeth was about six months pregnant and by all accounts an older mother-to-be, she still welcomed this young unmarried but pregnant cousin. At that time, pregnancy outside of matrimony could have resulted in death. Perhaps the young woman sought refuge with her cousin; she probably sought friendship and companionship; she would have also appreciated the acceptance that came from this older woman.

Do you have an Elizabeth in your life? A sister, a cousin or a friend, to whom you could go for understanding and unquestioning acceptance of who you are or what you have done?

Today, my "Elizabeth" offered instant compassion before words could convey my concerns. She acknowledge my plight and kindly offered wisdom and guidance. She helped me to comprehend the "other side" of the issue. Through our conversation she clarified for me what God's plan may have been and helped me to set aside my own plans. All this in a matter of minutes. A true friend, like God, understands me at times when I do not understand myself.

If you have an "Elizabeth" in your life, take the time to say thank you for this gift of friendship. If you do not have an "Elizabeth", keep looking, she is probably out there looking for you. Better yet, can you be an "Elizabeth" to your friends, offering unconditional love and acceptance?

The young Virgin Mary's cousin Elizabeth offers an example of friendship that we should each try to emulate. In this season of preparation, perhaps we can prepare for the coming of Jesus, by offering the gift of unconditional friendship.

1 comment:

Germaine said...
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