Friday, October 24, 2008


And blessings….

Do you know what day this is? October 24, yes, but more signficantly it marks two months until Christmas eve.

Red and green items already adorn shelves next to the orange and black of Hallowe'en. Marketers are actively promoting their products to young and old alike in hopes of making it onto ever-growing wish lists.

Many shoppers are already stocking up. Some early birds may have their purchasing completed; while the last minuters have yet to consider the task.

We are entering consumer season, a modern curse. Most of us feel drawn to find something special for loved ones, for the paper carrier, or for those who have made an impact on our lives. In doing so, however, we get caught up in the consumer rush and leave behind the true meaning of this season.

The real blessing of this season is the birth of Christ. The true reason to get together with friends is to exchange greetings and recount the gift that God gave to this world.

This season, if you feel the need to give a gift, consider something that will benefit people who truely need it. Show your love by giving to charity. The purchase of Christmas cards from our local Food Bank in Sudbury, benefits families in need by putting a meal on the table. Oxfam Canada provides the opportunity to purchase a chicken or goat for a needy family in a developing country, which can be donated in the name of your gift recipient. Through World Vision Canada you can furnish a classroom as a gift to your friend. There are plenty of ways to share the blessings of this season and demonstrate your love for others.

Take up this challenge this year. Turn from consumer season and instead, return the the reason for the celebration of Christmas. God so loved this world He gave us His only Son. Show your love for God and for others, by giving to those who need it most.

And you thought this would be about Hallowe'en!

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