Saturday, October 11, 2008


Do you know what you want in life? Are you happy with the person you have become ... or are becoming? Do you ever wonder what happens when this life comes to an end? Is there another world that parallels this one? Do the two ever intersect?

It seems that although many people in first-world countries have less and less time or interest in organized religion, there is still a deep-seated thirst for things spiritual. Questions about heaven, nirvana, the end times and where we are ultimately headed have been bantered around by the best philosophers and theologians for centuries, but in the end we all have to come to our own place of peace about these and many other unsettled issues of a similar ilk.

Enter caeligenus - literally translated as 'heaven-born'. This space is for all those who have ever wondered, for all those who believe that the two worlds do indeed exist, that they do at times intersect, and from time to time we do get a precious opportunity to straddle the border between the here and the here-after.

This is a space for sharing stories, for asking questions, for venturing into the fray and daring to ask the questions that truly might make a difference in the lives of at least one person who is searching. The possibilities are endless ...

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