Friday, October 31, 2008

Saints Alive

When we hear the word "saint", we are often drawn to recall people who lived in a holy and virtuous manner. How many saints can you name? Consider the saints whose names adorn a local school or your own parish. Perhaps a street near you has been named after such an exemplary person. Maybe you share your name with that of a saint.

On All Saints Day we are called to remember these saints and to take time to reflect on the lessons and examples that their lives have for us.

Most of these saints lived in an age that is very remote from our current 24/7, technology enabled world. What virtues can we derive from the examples of saints? How can we translate these to our modern lives?

Take a moment to consider the people we have encountered on our earthly journey. A neighbour who is ecologically aware, may be living as a modern St. Francis. Do you have a friend whose understanding, wisdom and compassion reminds you of St. Elizabeth who welcomed the expectant Virgin Mary? Perhaps you know someone whose remarkable devotion to God and eagerness to do little things recalls the life of St. Theresa of Lisieux?

The saints of days long ago and the modern saints who grace our daily lives offer God's light to us, if we only have the eyes to see.

On All Saints Day, take a little time to reflect on the lives of the saints. How you can model your life after theirs? Perhaps to someone, you can be a living example of modern sainthood.

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