Friday, November 7, 2008


In advertising we are told that a message must be heard approximately 25 times before it is heard and understood.

How many times do we hear negative messages? How many times do we hear positive ones?

By regular mail, by email, in person and on the phone, the compliments have been coming this week. The little things, the bigger things, the grand and the seems what I have done is being noticed. The compliments flowed this week; some of these quite unexpected. It feels good.

In return, I re-examined how I treat others. It is easy to criticize. Expressing negative feelings about an experience may seem very natural. On the other hand, it is also easy to find big things to give encouraging comments on.

But, what if we begin to notice the little things too. Though I say thank you to the grocery store clerk, do I compliment her efficiency? Do I give positive feedback when asked for a critique? Do I offer positive reinforcement when someone does what is expected, or do I remain silent?

There are times when one must really search for something good to say, but in a world where negative messages prevail, a simple compliment can go a long way. Today, offer a compliment to someone for the little things that they do and then watch them smile...a little encouragement can go a long way.

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