Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Would you lay down your life for a friend?

Today is Remembrance Day. A day when we recall the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

These are people I have never met, though members of my family may have. It is because of their willingness to fight for peace that they lost their lives so that you and I can leave freely in this country. I am living in freedom because someone I never met died to support this cause.

Yet, I ask again, would you lay down your life for a friend? Would you be willing to loose your life for a cause that you believe in?

Christ died for us. He died for our freedom. He died for peace. Christ is our friend who laid down his life for us.

And yet, I wonder, would you lay down your life for Christ? Would you be willing to loose your life so that others may have religious freedom? Would you willingly loose your possessions, your home or access to good food, for Christ?

Most of us would not.

Some might even deny Christ in fear that we might loose these things. Certainly many deny Christ in favour of twenty-first century luxuries. This is an age in which self gratification trumps self sacrifice.

Christ is not asking us to give up our lives. He is only asking for a few minutes of prayer and a life that reflects his great love and great sacrifice. This is really not that much to ask, is it?

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