Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It's amazing where the wisdom of the spirit comes from and the unsuspecting vessels God chooses at times to share his messages with us.

Take for instance a visit I had with the children in a nearby school just today. I made sure I was there in the school to welcome the little ones as they arrived and prepared for another day of learning. Little did I suspect that it was I who would end up with the lesson to be pondered today.

It was a cold morning - perhaps the coldest one we've seen yet this year, and the children were outside in the schoolyard playing prior to the sounding of the bell. As they all paraded into the school and went through the ritual of shedding their coats, hats and other outer garments, one of the children paused at the water fountain.

I stopped to ask how she was and her response was, 'I'm old and cold!' Now this answer was very much a surprise since the child who was speaking can't be more than 11 years old. Was this her way of saying that she's tired? Perhaps she was just thawing out from being in the yard and facing the biting wind. The true meaning might very well remain hidden in her heart since I was so taken aback by the poetry of the moment that I didn't even consider asking her to explain the meaning.

Some of the sayings that children use are absolutely priceless because they usually speak what's on their minds and there is seldom any guile intended. If only adults could be so trusting. Imagine the poetry and music that would flow from our lips.

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