Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Lights

Merry Christmas to all!

Hard to believe that this day has come upon us again, so quickly. All of our preparation, anticipation and expectations have lead to this day.

During this past month, as I watched the houses on our streets come alive with various arrangements of lights and colours I couldn't help but wonder about the kind of "light" growing in each of us as we prepare for this day?

For many preparation for Christmas means trip planning, gift shopping, special baking, and cooking holiday meals. We decorate our environments with assorted Santas, Nativities and Snow-people. Christmas music fills our malls, our rooms and our cars. We purchase new clothes and clean our home. But what do we do to prepare our hearts for the coming of a tiny baby who would be our saviour?

We anticipate special Christmas mail, festive gatherings, and gifts. Some eagerly await special moments or reactions from others. A woman who has given birth knows the anticipation around bringing a new life into the world. But during Advent, do we take time to truely anticipate the birth of a tiny baby who would be our saviour?

Many approach this season with expectations for the holiday. We expect the lights, the meals, the family and friends. We watch children who expect Santa to bring gifts and as a community we gather around to support those in need, so that this 'expectation' of Christmas is fulfilled. We pray that these gifts will bring re-newed hope. Yet what expectations do we place on the birth of a tiny baby who would our saviour?

These are our opportunities to be 'light' to others in this season of lights. When we prepare our hearts and our homes for the coming of this baby; when we anticipate this birth as an opportunity for new beginnings; and when we expect the miracle of Christmas, we will find it. When we find that miracle, we too, can be lights in this world for all to see.

Mery Christmas!

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