Monday, December 1, 2008

A Transformed World

It snowed today. It really snowed.

School buses did not run, traffic was snarled and pedestrians slipped and slid to their destinations. A morning like this means shoveling and scrapping are in order. To get anywhere, we all needed extra time. For many this scene brought frustration and disorder.

Yet, this morning, alone outside, one could hear the voice of God. Gently blowing flakes muffled extraneous sounds. The usual street scene was disguised in whiteness. The world was transformed.

I was reminded of the words from Max Ehrmann's poem, "Desiderata",
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste
and remember what peace there may be in silence."

God spoke. The peace that He brought to this morning came in the knowledge that when each day I pray "Thy will be done," today His will was being done. It was God's way of saying slow down, today is not your day to be in a hurry. Today is not a day for the regular hustle of morning. Today, God surrounded me with his gift of peace.

This snowy scene, a gift of peace from my God to me. May His peace also be with you.

1 comment:

Germaine said...

This is indeed a beautiful message -thank you for reminding me that there is a message - a beautiful message from God Himself - in what could otherwise be considered as an inconvenience. I hope to remember these wise words when the next snow day comes along!