Saturday, February 7, 2009


A leaf, brave and alone, clung to the branch against wind and snow. Against the odds, it had survived the harsh autumn rains, unpredictable ice storms and the heavy snows of a Northern winter.

Do you ever feel like that leaf? Do you feel cold, alone and forgotten?

As I watched that leaf dance in the cool breeze, I wondered how many people share those feelings. There are many who lack companionship. Many who feel deserted by family, friends and society.

We as Christians are comforted in the knowledge that our Lord promised to always be with us. We will never be alone.

In response to that promise we are also obligated to share that knowledge and to demonstrate our compassion for others. Reach out to someone who you know may be lonely or may not believe. Perhaps they will welcome your companionship and through your example come to follow.

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