Thursday, February 19, 2009


Health experts speak of five dimensions of health: physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual. Each of these is important to maintain a well balanced lifestyle.

The media often highlights for us the newest information about what foods are good to eat and the need for physical activity. Many people will seek nutrient rich foods, spend hours in the gym and visit their physician regularly.

We read to increase our knowledge or sometimes engage in thought provoking activities. Scientists point to the need for continuing to challenge our minds to slow the aging process.

We seek emotionally supportive relationships. Sociologists tell us that our minds react to a smiling face forcing our own facial muscles to return the gesture. We recognize the healing value of a touch or a hug.

John Dunn said "No man is an island" indicating that we need opportunities to interact with others. We have long lists of friends and acquaintances. Having someone to share our lives with can lengthen our life.

But what of the spiritual dimension of health. Sure, some of us go to Church, some of us pray, and some of us may even seek faith development opportunities. However, if schedules get too full, the snow is falling on a Sunday morning, or if we feel run off our feet, it seems that this dimension of health will fall off the priority list first.

Do you consider your spiritual health in the same way you think about your physical health? Compared to works of fiction on your bookshelf, how many books of a religious nature do you own? Do you offer exchanges of "God Bless You" as often as you wish someone a "Good Day"? Do you seek spiritual experiences as often as you do friendships?

What would it take for you to raise the priority of spiritual health?

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