Tuesday, February 3, 2009

United in a Simple Act

As water poured from the kettle onto the dried leaves, the gentle aroma of jasmine and green tea filled my senses transporting me to a mountain far away under a gentle morning sun.

In that moment, I knew that the sun that bathed the people picking tea leaves also brightens my day. The water that brings nourishment to the plant also brings refreshment to me. The same planet that supports the plant and the tea pickers also supports me.

Although I will never know the identity of the people whose labour has brought me this sensory delight, I know that I am one with these people. We are united in a simple act; the culmination of the works of many made this moment possible...people who picked the leaves, processed the tea, packaged the product, shipped it, shelved it and sold it. We are all one.

We are one in this process of making tea, just as we are one in our Lord. Born of this earth, raised by His plan, we are each playing our small part to complete the larger plan. We may not know each other, but without one another, we cannot be complete.

As I sip my tea, I am lifted by the image of unity with others who share this earth with me. I express my gratitude in a prayer of thanks, for the many hands who contributed to this moment. My prayer lifts me back onto that mountain, in a gentle morning sun, bathed in knowledge of the Oneness that completes us all.

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