Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Bella is our resident cockatiel. She is a beautiful yellow bird with an very loving personality, usually. At this time Bella is laying and has four eggs in her clutch. Without a male bird, we know that Bella's eggs will never hatch. The experts suggest that we leave her eggs with her for a few weeks until she get bored. For now, Bella is fiercely protective of her four progeny.

Her dedication to these eggs is admirable. She leaves them only to eat, drink some water and sometimes take a brief flight. She fusses over them if they roll away. She keeps them warm under her wings. However, if anyone approaches her cage or puts a hand in her cage she will hiss and launch towards the perceived threat. Some say this protective behaviour is instinct.

In an act of trust, far from those natural instincts, I alone, am allowed to approach. I feed her, bring water and fresh vegetables. She leaves her eggs unguarded while my hand is in the cage. She responds in her usual gentle manner to my stroking her chin or her back. Today she let me return an egg to her that had rolled away.

In your life do you have a friend you would trust with your eggs? Is there someone you know will guard your most valued possessions?

When it may seem that there is no one you can trust, remember God will always be there for you. He will keep your secrets. He will keep your confessed sins. God will cherish your most valued possessions with you. We can all learn from our feathered friend. Trust in God, as Bella has shown trust in me.


cee said...

I really enjoyed both of your postings. Hoping you write some more.

beth said...

Thank you, I am enjoying writing them. We have a wonderful mentor in Fr. Tony. He deserves the gratitude for encouraging me to do this.