Sunday, June 14, 2009


When asked why I love to be around children, I will often response, "Because of their honesty".

This morning, while preparing our children for a reenactment of the last supper, we talked about the love that Jesus shared with His disciples as He washed their feet. We went on to discuss how He shared memories with them that continue on today as we celebrate Mass.

The children were encouraged to think about how Jesus shared bread with His followers as we shared pita loaves amongst ourselves. Though wine was the beverage of choice for Jesus and His disciples, I asked the children what alternative beverage we might share this morning. With barely a second to think, one little friend responded, "How about Bud Light?"

I imagine that the Lord felt we needed to share a giggle this stormy morning. I quietly thanked God for this child's honest and humorous response as we poured white grape juice into their glasses. Meanwhile, I may need to have a chat with this child's parent.

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