Tuesday, June 30, 2009


There was a time not long ago, a time when neighbours spoke to each other, when a friend lived next door or was just a phone call away; a time when families played board games or sat around the supper table and talked.

Yes, people talked to each other. In today's world one could maneuver through an entire day without interacting with those around him or her. Cell phones, bluetoothes, iPods and other devices serve to keep us engaged in our own little worlds and to maintain distance from those around us.

Yet, it is interactions with others that truly enhances our experience of life in the world.

Personal relationships are an exchange. You receive as much, if not more, than what you give if you express interest in another person. As you express interest in another person, they develop an interest in you. The joy in these personal relationships is that the more your give, the more you usually receive.

We as a society are losing the art of communication on a deeper more meaningful level. Take a little time today to reach out to someone and listen. Learn a little more about one other person today, you may be surprised by the rewards that are waiting.

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