Sunday, November 2, 2008

What! No Chocolate?!

"What do you think Heaven is like?" was the question posed to a small group of young children.
"A big palace", "My gramma is there", "There is lots of room to run" came the eager responses.
"There is a lot of food, like pears" replied one child.
"An apples" added another, who continued, "But no chocolate, only good food."

While we continued to discuss a child's view of Heaven, I felt my heart sinking at the thought of leaving my earthly home for place void of my favorite indulgence.

As a Catholic, I firmly believe in the promise of a eternal life in Heaven. I trust that when it is my turn to go home, I will see the face of my God. I will reunite with loved ones who have gone before me. Though I believe my singing voice is sadly lacking, when I enter paradise, I imagine that I will be granted the voice of an angel. As a curious person, I trust that the answers to long held questions will be revealed. I will find peace, love and joy unequal to any I have experienced on earth.

With these promises ahead of me, at the risk of never eating chocolate again, I choose to live a life that I hope, co-operates with God's plan for me. Eternity with God vs eternity with chocolate. The choice is easy. After all, I can still eat chocolate while I am here.

1 comment:

Germaine said...

Isn't interesting how we tend to imagine heaven within the confines of our earthly experience? And yet, I suspect that there are no words in are limited, linear world to explain the greatness, the joy, the incredible beauty and peace in this different dimension which awaits us... All I know is that whatever the experience awaiting, it will blow chocolate out of the water - big time!

I'm looking forward to it... but will, in the meantime, make the most of chocolate - and hugs, and kisses and laughter and music and babies and sunsets.....