Sunday, December 28, 2008
I occasionally spend time pondering what it must have been like to raise the Son of God. I wonder how He cried as a baby. Did He ever have any 'terrible two' moments? How did He react when He skinned His knees? Did He get in trouble with His friends?
As parents did Mary and Joseph ever need to discipline this child? Did they need to defend His actions? How did they do this? What sacrifices did they make to raise the Son of God? How can we, as parents, live by their example of selfless giving?
Parenting is one of the most undervalued and yet most important tasks that two people can undertake. Parenting is a form of ministry, or perhaps better described, as a form of service to God. By agreeing to give birth to and raise a child as a gift from the Creator, parents assume this role of service.
I was graced today to observe the actions of parents who, in my opinion, are shining examples of this role of parent ministry.
In both cases weather impacted the travel plans of their children. In both cases, these parents selflessly set aside their own plans to serve the needs of their children. Time is a gift these parents freely gave to their children.
During these travel days driving conditions were less than ideal. If they were traveling for their own pleasure, I do not doubt that these people would not have chosen to travel. These parents did not tell their children to find their own way; they did not suggest that the children take a bus home. Instead, these parents put their own safety concerns aside to serve their children who needed to reach their destinations for work purposes.
Despite the obvious inconvenience, as I watched these parents interact with their children, I saw pride and joy that they could be of service one more time.
On a day dedicated to the Holy Family, these parents upheld that image for me. They embodied in word and in deed the true meaning of parenting as a service to God. Thank you for being such wonderful role models, I pray that we all can follow your example.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Lights
Hard to believe that this day has come upon us again, so quickly. All of our preparation, anticipation and expectations have lead to this day.
During this past month, as I watched the houses on our streets come alive with various arrangements of lights and colours I couldn't help but wonder about the kind of "light" growing in each of us as we prepare for this day?
For many preparation for Christmas means trip planning, gift shopping, special baking, and cooking holiday meals. We decorate our environments with assorted Santas, Nativities and Snow-people. Christmas music fills our malls, our rooms and our cars. We purchase new clothes and clean our home. But what do we do to prepare our hearts for the coming of a tiny baby who would be our saviour?
We anticipate special Christmas mail, festive gatherings, and gifts. Some eagerly await special moments or reactions from others. A woman who has given birth knows the anticipation around bringing a new life into the world. But during Advent, do we take time to truely anticipate the birth of a tiny baby who would be our saviour?
Many approach this season with expectations for the holiday. We expect the lights, the meals, the family and friends. We watch children who expect Santa to bring gifts and as a community we gather around to support those in need, so that this 'expectation' of Christmas is fulfilled. We pray that these gifts will bring re-newed hope. Yet what expectations do we place on the birth of a tiny baby who would our saviour?
These are our opportunities to be 'light' to others in this season of lights. When we prepare our hearts and our homes for the coming of this baby; when we anticipate this birth as an opportunity for new beginnings; and when we expect the miracle of Christmas, we will find it. When we find that miracle, we too, can be lights in this world for all to see.
Mery Christmas!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A Gift
"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity."
These words from Carl Jung haunted me today. This was a day of mixed blessings; some "wins" and some "loses", but overall a good day. How good those gains felt against the backdrop of unforeseen difficulties! Would I have felt so good about those "wins" if I had not also experienced those snags?
I imagine that the God who knew me before I was born, also knows those words from Jung. I need adversity to gain a sense of achievement and triumph. I need hard times to prove that I am strong. I need those times when I get scared, so that I know to be brave and that my God will lead me through.
A day like this, teaches me to wait for the next moment. God surely has another surprise, puzzle or moment of grace waiting for me. I just need to be patient and trust in Him. I need to trust that the process that unfolds with each day, is just as God intended it to be. What is personal miracle each moment really is! Each "good", each "bad" and each "ugly" in every day, is a special gift to me from God. May my eyes remain open to see these gifts. May your days be also filled with such wonders.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Do you have an Elizabeth in your life? A sister, a cousin or a friend, to whom you could go for understanding and unquestioning acceptance of who you are or what you have done?
Today, my "Elizabeth" offered instant compassion before words could convey my concerns. She acknowledge my plight and kindly offered wisdom and guidance. She helped me to comprehend the "other side" of the issue. Through our conversation she clarified for me what God's plan may have been and helped me to set aside my own plans. All this in a matter of minutes. A true friend, like God, understands me at times when I do not understand myself.
If you have an "Elizabeth" in your life, take the time to say thank you for this gift of friendship. If you do not have an "Elizabeth", keep looking, she is probably out there looking for you. Better yet, can you be an "Elizabeth" to your friends, offering unconditional love and acceptance?
The young Virgin Mary's cousin Elizabeth offers an example of friendship that we should each try to emulate. In this season of preparation, perhaps we can prepare for the coming of Jesus, by offering the gift of unconditional friendship.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
They say that the eyes are the mirror to the soul, but I wonder sometimes whether there aren't a few other avenues by which we can glimpse what's going on in the inner sanctum of the heart.
Take for instance the gathering of young children last night at an area church. The reason for the gathering was the celebration of First Reconciliation. As I watched the faces of the children who arrived, accompanied by their parents and other members of their families, I saw nervousness in the eyes of some and wonder in the faces of others.
Did they truly understand the great gift which would be given on this night, or would it pass them by? The scriptures tell of the rejoicing which takes place in heaven over the return of one repentant sinner. If this is true then there must have been a wonderful choir there last night.
As for us on earth, perhaps we got a little glimpse of this rejoicing in the voice of one of the children who was standing not far from me. When we sang the last song, his voice could be heard exhuberantly booming well above all the rest. Is this what it will be like when we all see the face of God?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Gift and giver
All those who were here enjoyed the meal and it wasn't long before the desserts were all gone, and the plates had been licked clean, but before the party broke up there were thank-you's to be issued and winners to be announced. The prizes, two gifts which had been donated, were distributed as door prizes ... and then there were the proceeds of the 50-50 draw. Adults in the crowd were no stranger to the concept of 50-50 - half the proceeds from the sale of tickets would be returned as the prize, but it was the look on the faces of the children that was the most precious.
As it turned out, the winner was a young boy who promptly decided how he wanted to use at least some of the proceeds - to treat his family and close friends to some ice cream. 'The desserts were all gone,' he said, 'before I got there, and I'm sure that none of you got any either, so I'll treat'.
This was definitely a case of actions speaking louder than words because the first thing he wanted to do was share his new-found fortune. Some more experienced children would do well to learn a lesson or two from this experience ... about how to win graciously and to share the spoils with those we love.
As for the rest of the proceeds ... they will be invested wisely by his mother.
Monday, December 1, 2008
A Transformed World
School buses did not run, traffic was snarled and pedestrians slipped and slid to their destinations. A morning like this means shoveling and scrapping are in order. To get anywhere, we all needed extra time. For many this scene brought frustration and disorder.
Yet, this morning, alone outside, one could hear the voice of God. Gently blowing flakes muffled extraneous sounds. The usual street scene was disguised in whiteness. The world was transformed.
I was reminded of the words from Max Ehrmann's poem, "Desiderata",
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste
and remember what peace there may be in silence."
God spoke. The peace that He brought to this morning came in the knowledge that when each day I pray "Thy will be done," today His will was being done. It was God's way of saying slow down, today is not your day to be in a hurry. Today is not a day for the regular hustle of morning. Today, God surrounded me with his gift of peace.
This snowy scene, a gift of peace from my God to me. May His peace also be with you.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
It's often only when we change the scenery around us, or are afforded an opportunity to withdraw from the normal routine of life that we truly come to appreciate the need for rest and relaxation. Depending on how wound up we are, it might take a few days or weeks to actually leave the stresses of life behind and to actually begin to live again.
Understanding the need for relaxation as a regular part of our lives is key to survival, especially if we're in high-stress situations or if there is much demanded of us. From the vantage point of a place removed from the norm, it can be easier to relax and we can even set goals for ourselves from this outside vantage point. Goals of this kind can include a resolve to regularly take time for some kind of exercise, or perhaps an aim to balance demands put on ourselves with the amount of time we take for leisure.
Whatever manner of rest and relaxation we choose, it's important to pay attention to the inner rythms of life, the stresses and the quiet moments. Balance is always the key.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Take for instance a visit I had with the children in a nearby school just today. I made sure I was there in the school to welcome the little ones as they arrived and prepared for another day of learning. Little did I suspect that it was I who would end up with the lesson to be pondered today.
It was a cold morning - perhaps the coldest one we've seen yet this year, and the children were outside in the schoolyard playing prior to the sounding of the bell. As they all paraded into the school and went through the ritual of shedding their coats, hats and other outer garments, one of the children paused at the water fountain.
I stopped to ask how she was and her response was, 'I'm old and cold!' Now this answer was very much a surprise since the child who was speaking can't be more than 11 years old. Was this her way of saying that she's tired? Perhaps she was just thawing out from being in the yard and facing the biting wind. The true meaning might very well remain hidden in her heart since I was so taken aback by the poetry of the moment that I didn't even consider asking her to explain the meaning.
Some of the sayings that children use are absolutely priceless because they usually speak what's on their minds and there is seldom any guile intended. If only adults could be so trusting. Imagine the poetry and music that would flow from our lips.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I recently met one of these angels. He breezed in through the door like most children of his age are wont to do, and it wasn't long before his natural curiosity and sense of wonder captivated everyone else.
In the midst of the adult conversation which was flying around the table, he appeared at one point to announce with great glee that he had discovered a penny in the folds of the couch in another room. With a wink, one of the adults pointed him toward a gumball machine hidden in the recesses of the room. Of course he wanted to know how it worked. Following instructions to the tee, he placed the penny in the slot, turned the handle (with both of his hands) and then puzzled for just a moment before figuring out how to access the gumball which had fallen into a waiting slot. Success!
From this point onward, he would disappear for varying intervals of time and reappear bearing another coin which he had discovered somewhere in the house. The ritual continued unabated, and he announced with great gusto each time, 'that's two! ... that's three! ...'. The wonder and glee on his face was absolutely priceless.
If adults could retain just a bit of this kind of child-like wonder, what a difference it might make to our world.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Today is Remembrance Day. A day when we recall the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
These are people I have never met, though members of my family may have. It is because of their willingness to fight for peace that they lost their lives so that you and I can leave freely in this country. I am living in freedom because someone I never met died to support this cause.
Yet, I ask again, would you lay down your life for a friend? Would you be willing to loose your life for a cause that you believe in?
Christ died for us. He died for our freedom. He died for peace. Christ is our friend who laid down his life for us.
And yet, I wonder, would you lay down your life for Christ? Would you be willing to loose your life so that others may have religious freedom? Would you willingly loose your possessions, your home or access to good food, for Christ?
Most of us would not.
Some might even deny Christ in fear that we might loose these things. Certainly many deny Christ in favour of twenty-first century luxuries. This is an age in which self gratification trumps self sacrifice.
Christ is not asking us to give up our lives. He is only asking for a few minutes of prayer and a life that reflects his great love and great sacrifice. This is really not that much to ask, is it?
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Role Model
Adults in the room giggled, but I engaged the little one in this line of thought, "Tell me how you are a role model".
The five year continued, "I share my things. In school, I help other people when they are having trouble. I try to play with everyone."
We were talking about being living stones in Christ's church. I think we all learned a valuable lesson.
This little one understood how to turn the lessons from each Sunday morning into a way of life. In his interactions with others he was modeling Jesus and in turn being a role model for others.
Are there things that you do making you a role model? Do you share freely of your time or your talents without the expectation of getting anything in return? Do you eagerly and generously help others who need help? Do you interact with everyone equally?
I have much to learn from this five year old. To be a living stone in Christ's church is to live in a way that reflects Jesus's life on earth, to share faith, and to offer yourself in service to others. It is our baptismal call as Catholics to share and to serve. It took this child only five years to understand this, how long will it take before we do?
Friday, November 7, 2008
How many times do we hear negative messages? How many times do we hear positive ones?
By regular mail, by email, in person and on the phone, the compliments have been coming this week. The little things, the bigger things, the grand and the seems what I have done is being noticed. The compliments flowed this week; some of these quite unexpected. It feels good.
In return, I re-examined how I treat others. It is easy to criticize. Expressing negative feelings about an experience may seem very natural. On the other hand, it is also easy to find big things to give encouraging comments on.
But, what if we begin to notice the little things too. Though I say thank you to the grocery store clerk, do I compliment her efficiency? Do I give positive feedback when asked for a critique? Do I offer positive reinforcement when someone does what is expected, or do I remain silent?
There are times when one must really search for something good to say, but in a world where negative messages prevail, a simple compliment can go a long way. Today, offer a compliment to someone for the little things that they do and then watch them smile...a little encouragement can go a long way.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
What! No Chocolate?!
"A big palace", "My gramma is there", "There is lots of room to run" came the eager responses.
"There is a lot of food, like pears" replied one child.
"An apples" added another, who continued, "But no chocolate, only good food."
While we continued to discuss a child's view of Heaven, I felt my heart sinking at the thought of leaving my earthly home for place void of my favorite indulgence.
As a Catholic, I firmly believe in the promise of a eternal life in Heaven. I trust that when it is my turn to go home, I will see the face of my God. I will reunite with loved ones who have gone before me. Though I believe my singing voice is sadly lacking, when I enter paradise, I imagine that I will be granted the voice of an angel. As a curious person, I trust that the answers to long held questions will be revealed. I will find peace, love and joy unequal to any I have experienced on earth.
With these promises ahead of me, at the risk of never eating chocolate again, I choose to live a life that I hope, co-operates with God's plan for me. Eternity with God vs eternity with chocolate. The choice is easy. After all, I can still eat chocolate while I am here.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Saints Alive
On All Saints Day we are called to remember these saints and to take time to reflect on the lessons and examples that their lives have for us.
Most of these saints lived in an age that is very remote from our current 24/7, technology enabled world. What virtues can we derive from the examples of saints? How can we translate these to our modern lives?
Take a moment to consider the people we have encountered on our earthly journey. A neighbour who is ecologically aware, may be living as a modern St. Francis. Do you have a friend whose understanding, wisdom and compassion reminds you of St. Elizabeth who welcomed the expectant Virgin Mary? Perhaps you know someone whose remarkable devotion to God and eagerness to do little things recalls the life of St. Theresa of Lisieux?
The saints of days long ago and the modern saints who grace our daily lives offer God's light to us, if we only have the eyes to see.
On All Saints Day, take a little time to reflect on the lives of the saints. How you can model your life after theirs? Perhaps to someone, you can be a living example of modern sainthood.
All Hallow's Eve
For one day, it is acceptable to be anything you want to be. A knight in shining amour, a princess, a clown or a witch; you name it, you can be it. Children go door to door saying "Trick or Treat" and collecting goodies.
In days of old, the purpose of All Hallow's Eve, October 31, was to chase away evil spirits before we enter into the month of November. Bonfires were lit. People wore masks to scare away ghosts and goblins. This was serious business because the next day is all Saints Day. The day we remember the lives of holy people who graced this world before us. The Saints whose lived examples can lead us to a more intimate relationship with the Father.
All Saints Day was once a Holy Day of Obligation. Children did not attend school on that day. Sadly, all this is lost in modern North American Culture.
An interesting article from, How Halloween can Be Redeemed, has prompted me to reflect on how our culture has adapted and commercialized yet another religious based holiday.
Take a little time to reflect on the true reasons for this night of activity. On an evening when you can be anything you want to be, consider dressing up like your favorite saint. Maybe then on the next day, we can all try to be a little more saint-like too.
Monday, October 27, 2008

I was having dinner with some friends last night. I love such opportunities to spend time with real families, including the real possibility of life happening right before our eyes. As the plates of pasta were served, one of the children made it abundantly clear that he was not impressed with the choice of the particular pasta that was prepared.
At first the parents tried their best to reason with him (the child in question is old enough to make decisions for himself, and is more than capable of reasoning rationally), but no amount of talking would convince him that this type of pasta was as edible or could be just as enjoyable as another. He chose to quietly munch away at some bread, but hardly touched his food.
Some parents might allow him to get away with this; not these ones. Both mom and dad noticed that his dish was still rather full, and the comment was made that if he would have to finish the meal or else he was not going to receive any dessert. Worse yet, if he was hungry after the meal was complete, the same plate of pasta would be waiting, and any leftovers would also be sent to school tomorrow for lunch.
Consequences are a good thing, and consistency is more important than you might think when it comes to disciplining. My parents taught me that lesson, and I sometimes shake my head when I see how many parents today don't stick to their guns when it comes to this rather unpleasant part of parenting.
In the realm of relationships, discipline can often teach us much more about ourselves and the way we nurture friendships. When God disciplines, the consequences are sometimes truly unpleasant, but the result is always a discipline that calls us into closer intimacy. I think that deep down, that's the aim of all our relationships.
How often do we look back, even many years later, and remember the moments of discipline as times when we were actually bonded even closer with those we love?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Parent
I wonder if our God, our Father, feels the same way sometimes. When we approach moments in our lives when the decision that we are about to make, may impact the next hours, weeks or years, does God hold His breath in anticipation?
As a parent, I know that I share the anxieties, fears and joys of my own children. I delight when wonderful things happen. I cry with them in times of sorrow. My own parents did the same with me.
Our Father has known us before we were born. He knows our hearts and our minds. He is a parent to each of us in very profound ways.
As we face troubling times, He is there for us. Picture God, our Father, watching us with the confidence of a parent who has prepared His child to face the difficulties. Like a good parent, He is holding His breath while we ponder decisions that face us. Imagine His delight, when we turn to Him for guidance or assistance.
Next time a challenge presents itself, remember that our Father is holding His breath with you and for you. Consider inviting God, our Father, to guide you through.
Friday, October 24, 2008
And blessings….
Do you know what day this is? October 24, yes, but more signficantly it marks two months until Christmas eve.
Red and green items already adorn shelves next to the orange and black of Hallowe'en. Marketers are actively promoting their products to young and old alike in hopes of making it onto ever-growing wish lists.
Many shoppers are already stocking up. Some early birds may have their purchasing completed; while the last minuters have yet to consider the task.
We are entering consumer season, a modern curse. Most of us feel drawn to find something special for loved ones, for the paper carrier, or for those who have made an impact on our lives. In doing so, however, we get caught up in the consumer rush and leave behind the true meaning of this season.
The real blessing of this season is the birth of Christ. The true reason to get together with friends is to exchange greetings and recount the gift that God gave to this world.
This season, if you feel the need to give a gift, consider something that will benefit people who truely need it. Show your love by giving to charity. The purchase of Christmas cards from our local Food Bank in Sudbury, benefits families in need by putting a meal on the table. Oxfam Canada provides the opportunity to purchase a chicken or goat for a needy family in a developing country, which can be donated in the name of your gift recipient. Through World Vision Canada you can furnish a classroom as a gift to your friend. There are plenty of ways to share the blessings of this season and demonstrate your love for others.
Take up this challenge this year. Turn from consumer season and instead, return the the reason for the celebration of Christmas. God so loved this world He gave us His only Son. Show your love for God and for others, by giving to those who need it most.
And you thought this would be about Hallowe'en!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Autumn's Hope
In these parts, snow has already made a brief appearance.
On the surface, late autumn can be a depressing season. Yet, autumn is also the season for hope. As the earth prepares for winter's rest, the decaying plant life readies the soil for new life in the spring.
For me, these days remind me of the dark days following Jesus's death on the cross. Imagine seeing your beloved leader dead on a cross, like a common criminal. It is natural to question if what He said was really true. Jesus promised new life. Jesus promised resurrection. Yet in the destruction of death, these dreams seem to be whisked away. How depressing for those early believers.
On Easter Sunday, Jesus defeated death, by rising from the dead. Early believers then recognized that Jesus had to die in order that we may have hope.
As leaves tumble from their trees, leaving them more barren each day, there remains for each of us a hope for spring, for brighter days and for continued life in Christ. The leaves must fall so that we will have new life when the earth warms again in the spring.
Take a little time to appreciate autumn's real splendor. You may be surprised by the hope that rises in you.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Red Means Stop
What do you do while waiting in traffic? As I glanced around this afternoon, I saw a teenager on a cellphone, a young gentlemen drumming his impatience into a steering wheel, and a woman turned around to admonish her young passenger; each of these playing their part in this sixty-second commercial of life in the twenty first century.
How many stop lights do you encounter each day? While walking, biking, sitting in a bus or in your own vehicle most of us are so enthralled in our own thoughts, plans or worries, we would find it difficult to recall the number of times we were halted by that red glow. Those minutes spent waiting in traffic can accumulate quickly.
Next time invite God to enter into your red light oasis. Yes, an oasis. Turn this moment into an opportunity to refresh your spirit. Reflect on the gifts the Lord has given to you. There is joy to be found in the warmth of a sunny day or in the song of cleansing rain. Rejoice in recollections of time with family and friends who enhance your earthly journey and be grateful for these. Find peace in a minute of quiet time for just you and God. Say a prayer.
When the traffic light is red, stop and listen to the call of the Father. He has so much to share with you in a minute.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Her dedication to these eggs is admirable. She leaves them only to eat, drink some water and sometimes take a brief flight. She fusses over them if they roll away. She keeps them warm under her wings. However, if anyone approaches her cage or puts a hand in her cage she will hiss and launch towards the perceived threat. Some say this protective behaviour is instinct.
In an act of trust, far from those natural instincts, I alone, am allowed to approach. I feed her, bring water and fresh vegetables. She leaves her eggs unguarded while my hand is in the cage. She responds in her usual gentle manner to my stroking her chin or her back. Today she let me return an egg to her that had rolled away.
In your life do you have a friend you would trust with your eggs? Is there someone you know will guard your most valued possessions?
When it may seem that there is no one you can trust, remember God will always be there for you. He will keep your secrets. He will keep your confessed sins. God will cherish your most valued possessions with you. We can all learn from our feathered friend. Trust in God, as Bella has shown trust in me.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Yes, baptism is the cleansing from original sin and a welcoming into the Church Community. It can be so much more.
For the family of the newly baptized it can be the cleansing of the past to allow the entire family to enter renewed into the faith community. A way to start life in the parish with a clean slate.
For the parishioners witnessing this cleansing, it can be a chance to reflect on the call to become God's light in this world. It can offer the opportunity to refresh a weary spirit and help to prepare for the days ahead.
For the child being baptized, this sacrament offers a new life in Christ. It is the initial step in a life filled with faith.
Through the baptism of one child many will benefit, if they are open to becoming cleansed, renewed, refreshed and full of new life. Through the innocent words of a three-year-old, we are invited to reflect on the meaning of this sacrament for us all.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

I sometimes have pause to think that I, like many of us today, fall all too easily prey to the ever-present lure of technology. One of the consequences is that the art of human interaction tends to take a back seat, and at some place deep within, I know that this is very dangerous.
Society used to be built on such principles as family, support for one another, and looking out for one another. There are still a few vestiges of this truth in small-town civilization, the places where people still don't lock their doors at night because they trust that others are looking out for them. However, in larger cities, where technology is more readily available, it's a whole different reality.
I remember thinking that kids growing up in metropolitan centres must really have had a hard time of it. They are more readily exposed to many more realities, some of which are good, but most of which are downright dangerous. Drugs, alcohol and various addictive substances used to exist mostly in places other than the 'here' and 'now' of life, but no matter where we live, the 'here' and 'now' seems to be catching up with us, and life is changing at a pace far greater than some of us are willing to admit or accept.
How do we combat the 'culture of death' which pays little or no attention to the value of life? This is a culture where life becomes disposable, and where human dignity is usually measured in some utilitarian fashion or another. Where are the voices that call out to the lost and the lonely? Where can we turn to for answers to some of the simplest but most profound questions of life?
Dare we admit that the starting point might be as simple as putting away the technological toys, and sitting face to face with another human being? Have we become so unfamiliar with the basics of human communication that the mere prospect of talking to one another without the aid of some gadget or another seems daunting or makes us cringe in fear?
It's still not too late to return to basics. Many of our elderly are extremely lonely because those who consider themselves successful by modern measurements have tended more often than not to put their stock in technology of one kind or another, and those who have not kept up with the ever-changing world of communication have often been left in the dust. What would happen if for even a few moments, we were to unplug the gadgets that clutter our lives, and dare to actually talk to one another.
The reward, I'm sure, would be well worth the effort.
Friday, October 17, 2008

Today is the Memorial of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, so I did some research and reading in an effort to get to know him better. He lived in the first and second centuries A.D. - a long time ago when the world was a very different place.
In a time when the Church was very young, he was zealous not only about learning the lessons that Jesus tried to teach, but about sharing this good news with others. I always find it a worthwhile endeavor to read some the texts of the early Church. It seems that our world today has lost much of the lustre and passion that these people had - at least the ones who were educated enough to know how to write, and took the time to write about their discoveries, musings and puzzlings.
Don't get me wrong. There are lots of people who, even today, thirst for some sense of the spiritual in their lives, even though they may not call it that. The problem is that not too many people seem to have the answers to our many questions, and those who do find confusing ways at times to convey the message. When all is said and done, the questions posed in the depth of our hearts today are not that different from people who lived in the first and second centuries A.D.
We all want to be loved, but unfortunately, life these days seems so complicated for some that love can seem illusive at best. We all want to be accepted and to find a place where we are welcome, but for some, there are more often closed doors than there are open ones. We all want to find something useful to do with our lives, and we all want to know that our lives make a difference, but all too often, we get sidetracked by the adventures and mis-adventures of youth, or the misguided twists and turns that our lives sometimes take, and are left wondering ... and wandering in our search.
Now more than ever, people need to find heroes who can inspire us. These are people who can model for us what it's like to live life the right way, to find the answers to the questions that we sometimes don't even have words to ask, to discover the truth about love that is unfailing, a road along which we can discover the truth about all we are meant to be, and some companions who are willing to walk the road with us.
Some of the modern-day heroes who might have something worthwhile to say on this score are people like the Servant of God, John Paul II, who never shied away from the difficult questions of life. His discourses with the young were meant to inspire, and inspire they did. Some of these discourses are still available on the Vatican website and in other places.
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frasatti is another example for those who are searching. This past July, as part of the celebration of World Youth Day in Sydney, Australia, a special exhibition was set up to teach young people about this special young man. There was also a display explaining the life and work of Blessed Mary McKillop, Australia's native daughter.
Even today, there are people all round us who are inspirations to us, 'heroes' if you will. Who are the people that inspire you to discover your passion?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Walking new paths

Have you ever had occasion to meet someone who has recently moved into the area? Better yet, have you ever found yourself being welcomed into a new environment? Was it a good experience where others welcomed warmly, or did you find yourself wondering whether this particular new adventure was perhaps a mistake?
Moving to a new city, meeting new people, being thrust into unknown territory is always a very difficult experience for some. It can be extremely emotional and it's hard work for some to get to know people who we've never seen before. Regardless of whether we move from one city to a neighboring village, or from one province to another, or even from one country to another, there are always things that must be begun anew: accommodations to be arranged, new doctors and other health professionals, new business associates, new social acquaintances ... the list can seem endless.
Unfamiliar surroundings will always put us on guard because at a certain level, we are all social creatures. We all want to feel welcomed. We all want to fit in, but this takes time and lots of effort. The tendency for some is to hide, and despite the words or gestures of strangers, we all have to take our own time to find our way.
On the other hand, if we're on the giving end of the welcoming, we need to be patient. Even though we may be willing to offer a gesture or a word of encouragement, we must be respectful of the newcomer(s) in our midst. What's important is that we keep looking for ways to make the transition as easy as possible. Every little gesture and word is appreciated, at some level, even the silence and patience which is necessary to allow the other to find his-her own way.
All of us have been there at some point in our lives. What have we appreciated most about the gestures and words shared with us during our own transitions? How can we help the newcomers among us to fit in? Who are the ones most in need of a word of encouragement or challenge in order to overcome a particular difficulty?
New beginnings are never easy, but they can be moments of grace, if we're willing to see the possibilities that open before us.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
'Tis the season

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008
The view from here
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Do you know what you want in life? Are you happy with the person you have become ... or are becoming? Do you ever wonder what happens when this life comes to an end? Is there another world that parallels this one? Do the two ever intersect?
It seems that although many people in first-world countries have less and less time or interest in organized religion, there is still a deep-seated thirst for things spiritual. Questions about heaven, nirvana, the end times and where we are ultimately headed have been bantered around by the best philosophers and theologians for centuries, but in the end we all have to come to our own place of peace about these and many other unsettled issues of a similar ilk.
Enter caeligenus - literally translated as 'heaven-born'. This space is for all those who have ever wondered, for all those who believe that the two worlds do indeed exist, that they do at times intersect, and from time to time we do get a precious opportunity to straddle the border between the here and the here-after.
This is a space for sharing stories, for asking questions, for venturing into the fray and daring to ask the questions that truly might make a difference in the lives of at least one person who is searching. The possibilities are endless ...