Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Good Laugh

"Laughter is the shortest distance between two people"
Victor Borge

It is said that children laugh hundreds of times each day. However as these children mature into adulthood that laughter quotient lowers to about 25 times each day.

We have all been there: an elevator, a bus stop, an office or even place of worship; a space shared with many others, some familiar, some not quite, but all wearing the same blank stare. In a space shared by children giggles and even belly laughter can erupt in mere minutes, but with adults giggles may not happen at all.

Science has proven that a few minutes of laughter will relax the body, enhance the immune system, lower blood pressure and even improve the functioning of the heart. Our brains are wired to interact with others. With shared laughter 'feel good' chemicals flood the spaces between brain cells. Laughter has very positive physical consequences.

In our own lives we we can relate personal experiences in which laughter has brought us closer to another person. A good chuckle can reveal more about another person than hours of conversation. It is that building of relationships that is the essence of our journey.

Laughter is one of our greatest blessings. Take some time to reach out, close that distance between you and one other person today: share a joke, make face, or tell a humourous story. Sharing the blessing of humour.

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