Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Race

For twenty-two days each July I become a racing fan. Many mornings and every evening, the television shows beautiful mountain vistas or the narrow streets of long established villages or rows of maturing vineyards.

Passing through each of these scenes the riders of the Tour de France battle the elements and each other for the precious yellow jersey.

I cannot claim to understand the intricacies of bike racing. I rarely ride my own bicycle.

Instead I am repeated captivated by the human spirit.

What moves a person to compete on his machine every day for twenty two days (minus two rest days)? What powers those human legs to push up a steep mountain pass? How do they sustain mental alertness to carefully traverse the winding downhill course? Where do these men find the physical reserves to drive to the finish line after four hours of mountainous road in the blazing sun?

Although, I may never have the skill of the racers in the Tour de France, but I can learn from their shining examples.

Set a goal, stay focused and never give up - tomorrow is another day. Each new day is an opportunity start anew while having learned from the lessons of the previous days.

Remember, until we are called Home, the race is not yet won.

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