Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Little Girl, Big Lesson

“Moss-key-toe” she said with enthusiasm, her big blue eyes framed by curly golden locks. She had the look of an angel, “I love how that word feels coming out of my mouth”.

It was February and we were skating. Those pesky little flying insects were the furthest thing from my mind when she shared this thought with me. Although it has been years, I cannot help but watch those little creatures each summer and recall those words.

For most of us, mosquitoes are a nuisance or even a conveyor of disease. For this little one, the mere utterance of the word itself was to be reveled.

How often do we take the time to feel how words come out of our mouths? Can you feel the hum of the “m” or the smile as you pronounce the “e” or how about the pursing of your lips to speak the “o”? Do you consider your cadence when you speak? Do some words themselves bring pleasure just to speak them?

We are often so busy communicating our message rarely do we take the time to consider the words that we are using. How do our words feel for us? How do they feel for the listener?

This little angelic child offered a huge lesson for all of us that day.

Take a little time to really consider your words next time you speak them. Enjoy each enunciated syllable. Come to appreciate the ability to feel words as they come out. Perhaps as we slow down long enough to feel our words, we will also find time to appreciate other things in our lives as well.

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