Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Over a Rainbow

"But I'm not done yet!"

After a minute long pause to admire a full arched rainbow, I was greeted with that response as I tried to re-engage the girls in soccer practice.

Our soccer practices are fun with a purpose. We rarely do drills. Instead we use skill developing games. Most games and races are played with a soccer ball but we throw in the occasional kick-line or leap frog race just to keep it interesting. Laughter dominates our practices. At times we get more players at practices than at games because we have so much fun.

This day was a rainy one, typical of our Northern Ontario weather this year. Drizzle would fizzle, the sun would peek out only to be hidden by the next cloud that would break open with a torrent of rain moments later.

The 12 and 13 year old soccer playing girls were soaked and cold. But when the sun illuminated the Eastern sky and a full rainbow reach across the horizon, we felt obliged to call our game of "Maze" to a halt to admire the beauty.

It was wonderful to hear the exuberant compliments for this celestial artwork. Young voices exclaimed praise and appreciation for this dance of light on damp skies. The group's expressed desire to slow down for one minute more to marvel over nature's display filled me with gratitude for the gifts these ladies bring to my day.

I know I am privileged to spend time with these very special young women, but on this day, as I learned more about their appreciation for God's handiwork, I was filled with a greater love for all of creation.

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