Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Journey Begins

In a few short days - or, as I was reminded today, in two sleeps - my family and I will embark on the adventure of a lifetime. We are traveling to Tanzania to volunteer for three weeks in the village of Boma Ng'ombe near Mount Kilimanjaro.

The brain child of one of my daughters, this trip is now about to become reality. Bags are almost packed, passports and visas are in hand, baby sitters have been found for the pets and itineraries have been distributed to people who need them.

As we prepare for our journey I marvel at the details that require our attention. We are no longer a society that can move easily. We are tied to jobs, homes, friends and situations. Through technology we can remain connected with each of these if we choose or we can embrace a new culture and a new way of being.

What will it take to break those ties? How long before we are molded by African time and tribal ways?

We plan to blog about our journey. We know that we will go to the internet cafe in Moshi town each Monday and Thursday and that on these occasions we will update our friends and followers. I invite you to join us on this journey.

Will Africa change our hearts and our ways? Will we be able to make enhancements to the lives of those we meet and work with? No one will know for sure until we get there and perhaps, as many of us have experienced, the real changes will be seen and felt at times even further in the future.

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