Tuesday, July 14, 2009


A sturdy helmet protected her head, warm mittens covered her hands and her tiny frame was dressed in a beautiful sparkling fuchsia outfit. It would have been a pretty picture but for the look of terror on her face.

She was a timid beginner skater encouraged to try the sport because of her older sister's interest.

On that first day she 'skated' for 55 minutes. Together we made it around the ice surface at the arena three times. She learned to fall and to get up, to take baby steps and hopefully to enjoy at least some of these successes. Remarkably, despite the number of occasions when her feet flew from underneath her and she found herself laying on the ice, she continue to try and never shed a tear.

Two practice sessions later my little friend circled the ice twice without falling.

We have so much to learn about perseverance from my little friend. How many times do we fall and believe we will never be able to get up again? How often do we give up after trying for just a short while? How many times do we talk ourselves out of trying something new before we take that first step?

I believe that at times we are given difficulties to test ourselves. Our challenges present themselves not for success or accomplishment, but as opportunities to learn and to grow. Next time you are faced with a problem, what will you do?

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