Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year!

As we begin a new year it is customary that we take time to reflect back on the year that has been, and look ahead to the year that will be.

With each passing year these times for reflection seem to get closer and closer together. Days have become an endless stream of minutes and hours that blur in a steady rush. Weeks often feel like Monday, Friday and then Monday again with little time for those days in between.

In this ever increasingly busy life, how often do we pause to reflect on the great and the very basic gifts that our Lord has given to us? Do we take time daily to thank God for the air that we breathe? The water that we drink or bath in? For the people who journey with us? For the sad times so that we can appreciate the good ones?

Perhaps this year, along with our resolutions to get more exercise and to eat better, we can resolve to become more grateful people. Perhaps we can pledge more time to reflect on all of those great things and all of the very basic things we have been graced with. As we lead our very fast paced twenty-first century lives, while recognizing all that we have been given, we can demonstrate our appreciation for God and for one another to everyone this world.

May God Bless you all in 2009!

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