Saturday, January 3, 2009

One more angel in heaven

The broadway musical Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat brought the story of Joseph and his brothers to life in a way that continues to reach thousands who may or may not be aware of the story's biblical origins.

In one scene of the show, when Joseph's brothers come to their father to explain that Joseph the beloved son has died, the piece of music that is used is entitled One more angel in heaven. I was reminded of this piece during these days as we have enjoyed some amazing skies, cold nights and displays of stars that always cause me to stop, wonder and pray.

Observing New Year's celebrations was particularly difficult for families in Sparwood, BC this year, and for some close friends of ours. On New Year's Day, just two days ago, my family also received the news that a near and dear friend who has been living overseas for a number of years now died peacefully in hospital. Preparations are currently being made for her funeral, and the possibility of a Memorial Mass to be celebrated on this side of the pond for those who cannot be physically present for her obseques.

It seems that Christmastime is a particularly vulnerable time for those who are elderly, and death always seems to be more poignant at this time of year, when our faith tells us that we should be celebrating. Then again, death is nothing but a transition for those who believe, so what better time to celebrate and give thanks for the lives of faith which have brought us friendship and companionship through the years. What better way to understand the gift of God who sent his son to teach us the power of love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please accept our sympathy for your loss.
It seems that new life and death are one and the same. We must leave this life here, to be born into a new one with the Father in Heaven; like a seed that dies in the earth in order to give new life to another. Each passing from this world to the next is a gift from God to us and from us to God.