Friday, January 23, 2009

In the eye of the storm

In the initial days of his presidency, Barak Obama has certainly turned heads as he moves with lightning speed to reverse some of the key decisions implemented by his imediate predecessor. The world has watched with rapped attention as executive orders were signed this week to begin the process of closing down the detention centre established at Guantanamo Bay.

Couple this with his swift moves to contact the political leaders in the Middle East, assuring them of his openness to working with them to establish peace in their war-torn region, and it becomes abundantly clear that he is intent on establishing his presidency on the basis of transparency, something which at least some would say is a departure from his predecessor's style of government.

Today is day three on the job, and already there is talk of his reversing the policy on abortion which has been in place since 2001. This is only one of a number of decisons which is sure to awaken the ire of some and the jubilation of others ... but then again, Mr. Obama doesn't seem to be too concerned about standing in the midst of the storm.

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